Rainier New Shipment Arrived

Sunday, April 17, 2016

We're always pleased when the ABF freight truck pulls in with a new load of Rainier bullets for reloading. We were out of stock for a number of items which have now been replenished. However, our .50 caliber is on back-order as well as a few other misc items. We're carrying a lot more of the 45-70 bullets and by popular demand, the .41 Magnum's too. Seems like our most popular are the 45's followed by the 10mm/40 S&W bullets. This is a little surprising considering our most popular brass is the 357 Magnum, which outsell the 45's by about 2 to 1. We carry a full line of Rainier bullets, but if you have any special requests, please let us know and we'll pass it along. 2016-03-22 Update. The 50 caliber bullets are still on back order but should be here in a couple of weeks. Just spoke to Rainier and they say they should have them out soon. They appear to be pretty backlogged right now.

Rainier New Shipment Arrived

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