Frontier Bullets New Product Plated Bullets

Sunday, June 28, 2015

We just received our first order of Frontier bullets (Frontier Metal Processing). These are Complete Metal Jacketed (CMJ) plated bullets. As a sample we ordered a few thousand of the 9mm/380 100 grain round nose and a few of the 45 caliber 200 grain flat nose. They both look good, about the same as Rainier or similar brands we carry. Many have never hear of the Frontier brand, however they have been making reloading bullets since 1996, and are based out of South Africa. Note: Even though the name says they are jacketed, they are actually plated. We'll be loading up a few of the 45s and trying them out this weekend. I'll make another post later after shooting them and let you know what I think. If anyone else wants to let us know about these Frontier bullets, we would appreciate it.

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